22 October 2024 year
New text for rotator in english[en]onsectetur adipiscing elit...road and mountainspełny zakres usług geodezyjnych

About us

We have been a rapidly developing company since 2002 year.
We operate with a complex range of geodetic services:
  • divisions and demarcations
  • land surveying information technology
  • establishment and the maintenance of the real estate cadastre
  • survey of the changes resulting from construction and extension of object
  • updating geodetic maps for urban planning purposes or other
  • real estate law regulations


In case a municipal institution from Cracow or the nearby area requires any geodetic documents or maps, we will guarantee a professional and complex operation of the work devoted to us. All the municipal institutions are able to confirm our reliability and efficiency. We treat big projects seriously as well as the small ones.

High qualifications of our authorized surveyors (engineers with knowledge about the needs of the market) give us the ability to deal with complicated tasks. Any encountered problems are always fully explained during an appointed meeting in our office.

We offer nonstandard solutions of the geodetic works and highest information technology measurement. We aim at our client’s needs based on gaining the territory information.

We also specialise in preparing geodetic elaborations for a decision of ZRID edition. We can present it in any preferable ACAD format.

We offer a straightforward analysis of the constructional project eliminating any inaccuracies of the design. The highest geodetic technology and experienced group of our engineers can reduce realisation time of the investment.

Our clients are welcome to the office which is placed in "KS KORONA” in Kalwaryjska Street.









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adres ul. Kalwaryjska 9-15
30-504 Kraków
tel/faxtel./fax: 12 656-68-39
kommobile: -

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